The SY X25 flying car represents the new wave, an innovative quadcopter that can ride like a car and fly whenever needed. Almost identical in design to the Syma X9, it is hard for me to decide which one copies the other one or if the difference is more than the design of the paint. The sure thing is that the X25 was the first one out on the market, so it is possible that Syma wanted to test the market anonymously to check its reaction to such toys. I was offered to review the Syma X9, too, but I refused as it is almost identical to the SY X25-1.
The kids will love this concept for sure, they can ride this gadget like an RC car but also fly it like a quadcopter. It seems very easy for this remote-controlled toy to go over the obstacles and provide lots of fun.
This 2in1 concept helps kids familiarize themselves with remote-controlled quadcopters as they can first exercise riding it as a car and, after that slowly get it up in the air and get infected with the flying virus :)

Unlike the Syma X9 which is sold only without a camera, the SY X25-1 has a slightly more expensive version with a 2MP camera. The “luxury” of the frontal HD camera costs an extra $9.
SY X25 car quadcopter review
Although I knew I had to deal only with a toy, I was curious about how it behaved and how it implemented the 2in1 concept.
Having the box in my hand I found out that the complete name of this model is “X25-1 Space Explorer” and “Song Yang Toys” is the manufacturer.
Inside the box, besides the remote controller and the car-drone, I found a small bag with one set of spare propellers, a USB charging cable, and a screwdriver.
Unlike other wheel concept designs, the size proportion between the airframe and the wheels seems to be almost real.
Meanwhile, it is advertised with a 650mAh battery, mine actually came with a 750mAh one. The battery has a JST connector and can be charged without removing it via any USB port (phone charger/computer USB plug).
At first sight, the airframe is made from some cheap plastic, and the tires from some kind of sponge, not rubber. The size of the aircraft is about 24 cm long and 16 cm wide, I don’t know why, but I expected it to be bigger. In order to test it, I quickly read the SY X25’s user manual to see how can I remotely control it.
When I pushed up the right stick, the X25 started to move slowly ahead, and after 1 meter of the journey, it gained some speed. The wheels are no longer engaged after the throttle stick is pushed up, and the propellers begin to spin. In the air, it performs surprisingly well, it is swift and responsive.
As you can see in my unboxing and quick test video, only the rear wheels are rotating, and the front ones are for giving directions in car mode.
Usually, I never test indoor the stunt mode (360-degree flips), but I accidentally engaged it when the quad was one meter above the ground. The SY X25 raised a bit (about half of a meter) and perfectly executed a 360-degree rolling without losing too much height.
Unfortunately, as my country announced one week of rainy days, outdoor test flights will have to wait till next week.
SY X25: Remote controller
The transmitter comes with the usual key and stick layout, and unlike what I thought, there is no button to switch between drive and flight mode. Leaving aside the left control stick (throttle) the SY X25 quadcopter can be controlled with the right stick as it would be a car. Push up the right stick and will move ahead, push down, and will move forward. The direction can be adjusted by moving the right sick to right or left. When the X25 car-quadcopter is in the air, both sticks behave like on a regular mode 2 transmitter. The upper left button has two functions, by short pressing can be switch between Low and High-speed rates, and by long pressing can turn ON/OFF the LEDs light.
Pricing and availability
This car-quadcopter was offered by Banggood for a fair review, thanks again for their attitude and for giving me the chance to test this interesting product.
what a fun RC toy!
salut est ce qui’i existe un manuelle d’utilisation en français
hello is there a user manual in French
Hi there. Would anyone be able to share a picture of the SY X25 car quadcopter? I need to replace the blades but the is a proper setup on them. Thanks!
This flying car is wonderful RC machine. Cool and beautiful!
I LOVE my SY-25-1 quad :D
Cant get x25 to auto return anyone know the process?
puis-je avoir le manuel d’instruction en français, merci
Please someone can share the user manual of the SY-X25 in French
Great battery life, super fun car mode, agile flights and a sturdy build are what make the SY X25 a winner in my book!
Hello All, I just received my SY-X25 today and am very happy with my purchase. It arrived from “GB”, where I found the best price on it.
It has the 2.0MP camera included with it. So far everything seems to be working as it should; even though I’ve only given it a cursory examination. It seems to have a good deal of power and hovers easier than my other quadcopter, a Eachine H8C.
I can’t wait to try it out in an open field, which I may do tomorrow to see how it flys in a large open space.
One very noteworthy feature of the SY- X25 is the battery. Mine came with a 750ma battery and the brochure and every place I’ve been to online states it has a 650ma battery. I’m very happy it came with one with a greater capacity. Also, the motors seem much more powerful than my Eachine quad.
Whether or not the SY-X25 can outperform it will have to be seen. My initial impression is the X25 is a bit heavier than my other quadcopter and might not be as fast when airborne as the later due to it’s greater weight and overall bulk, but that will have to be seen when I take it for a flight test.
Very best regards and if you have a SY-X25, the best of luck and happy motoring with yours!
Thanks for the information you have posted on the net. I plan on having a lot of fun with mine even though I’m only a beginner to this hobby. I purchased mine since I thought it offered the greatest amount of features and ability for the money.
there is any difference between the Sy X25 and the CG038??
BTW, nice review!
When I turn on the power in quadcopter next turn on the power in reciver and move left lever up and down than quadcopter lights stop flashing but reciver light stil flashing and beep every few seconds. I have no problem with control the quadcopter. Any ideas where is the problem?
Battery charge instructions? These are LIPOs and will explode if over charged? Any ideas?
My recommendation is:
-to always check the battery if check is not bloated
-never leave the battery under charge for more than 2h
-check the battery heat during charging.
Where can I get the user manual? I dont know how to use the return function and the camera.
If you are interested I can take a photo with the Sy X25’s user manual. But you didn’t get one in the package?
I am interested in getting a copy of the user manual too! If you could photograph the pages of it that would be great! My cousin got the quadcopter for Christmas and has lost the manual. I am trying to help him troubleshoot. Some of the blades don’t seem to be working properly, so it doesn’t really fly (at least not straight!). I would be most grateful if you could post or send me the manual!
Front blades don’t work. any idea? I put new batteries and everything else runs great?
I don’t know, I just got this toy and mine works perfectly (for now).
Front two blades will not run. Seems like three of the blades are loose and the right front one is not easily to move as the other.
It will not fly? any ideas?
Ps everything else is fine and running great.
How many flights did you have with the X25?